How The Thermocrete System Works
Advanced Chimney Lining Solutions are approved installers of the popular Thermocrete Chimney Lining in Belfast, Derry & Northern Ireland. The basic concept of the Thermocrete system is simple but extremely effective. A rubber former is inserted precisely in position through the entire length of the flue. Special techniques are used to keep the former centralised, even if the flue has a 45° bend. Thermocrete B2c material is pumped into the flue from the top of the chimney stack filling all voids, cracks and damaged joints. When the Thermocrete has hardened, the former is deflated and removed leaving a perfectly smooth cylindrical flue.
BUILDING REGULATIONAll Theromcrete linings are installed to: B.S.6461 complying to the building regulations 1985 England and Wales and the building standards for Scotland Each Flue is isolated The Thermocrete System allows each appliance to operate with its own correct size flue within one chimney stack. This is essential in instances where appliances use different types of fuel. Industrial Applications - - - Industrial flues serving boilers up to 1.5 million BTU have been lined with Thermocrete The principal is exactly the same,with the pouring process being repeated in stages until the full height of the chimney is reached.